Title: Movies. Park. Church. Forest. Author: Queen_HAQ Character: L/V Word Count: 1789 Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: None. A/N: So why do I think jaggedreality and mutinousmuse are the best betas in the world? Read to find out.
Title: Stardust
Author: rachel_shanz Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1640
Summary: Veronica's moving in with Logan. Sequel to "Interesting Summer Indeed" Notes: Thanks to truemyth for the double-dog-daring me to write this and to shizam23 and Bunkster from TWoP for betaing!
( Stardust )
Title: Kiddie Pool Author: Sophia_bee Pairing/Character: V/L Word Count: 1596 Rating: NC-17 Summary: The Echolls pool is being repaired. Logan finds an alternative. Spoilers/Warnings: Sex.
Title: Dance With Me Author: sadiekate Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 1400 Summary: Prom gettin' it on - it's not just for hotel rooms anymore.
Spoilers/Warnings: Through the finale. Notes: x-posted at veronicamarsfic New Note: Ending slightly amended as a comment jogged my memory on a line I had wanted to use. Thanks, wickedripeplum!